Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

Just some random thoughts and prayers today...

It's easy to blog and gripe about our Nation. The News is depressing and fearful. Leaders seem to be pushing their own agendas and abandoning the true good of all the people. Yet today is the day for putting complaining aside and PRAYING; entrusting the care of our nation, her people, her leaders, to almighty God who is our only real and true confidence.

What makes us a unique nation is our rule of law. We are ruled by a constitution written by people whose principles were shaped by a belief long held and too soon forgotten in absolute truth and right and wrong...good and evil. They saw God as the final arbiter of these things and sought to create a necessary government that would protect human freedom, promote good and restrain evil.

True there were and are still, sins to be confessed. Slavery was thought a beneficial institution for both slave and free, this was wrong. We believed we had a right to empire and ambition and pursued this carelessly. We confess these things but cannot abandon the foundations of our nation for the improper way her people have chosen in the past.

Sins past must be forgiven and reconciled and like the Nation which forgot it's book of the Law, must return to her God with all her heart and seek to live in righteousness from this day forward.

I ask especially for guidance for our president Barack Obama, our congress and Judges. Men's hearts may only be changed and directed by the Holy Spirit to do what is right if You O God work to transform hearts of Stone to hearts of flesh. May even our hearts that are in transformation be changed all the faster so that the flinty portions which harbor our sinful ways and our untrue beliefs may be melted and conformed to God's truth.

Can we love and care for the poor and also allow the successful who succeed by good work and God's blessing to continue in success without punishment? Can a way be found to do that? Can we permit free speech and open debate and only silence opposition by the weight of good arguments and facts? Not with heavy handed bullying and control. Can we do that? Can we protect unborn lives and born ones as well? Can we love those who are wrong, not reward evil, but give grace and freedom?

You alone know, God. With you nothing is impossible. Change hearts. Deal with evil righteously.

We know all human government is provisional and necessary in your providence until your kingdom comes. May we use the blessings of our liberty to call as many as will hear to welcome your kingdom. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

In Jesus' Name,

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