Thursday, January 24, 2008

Firemen and Plumbers

Those who lead are called at many times to be like Firemen and Plumbers.

What do we know about firemen and plumbers. Both are required to deal with lousy situations that are not their fault. Think about it...

As leaders it is not for us to waste time and energy in the midst of a difficult situation fixing blame. Firemen charge in to the flames to rescue those in danger put out the fire preventing further damage and danger. Plumbers will wade ankle and even knee deep into some very unpleasant stuff and without complaining or whining, stop fix the problem and get things flowing correctly again. When everyone is safe and when the bad stuff is flowing away like it's supposed to then they both, in the privacy of their own conversations, comment about the cause. But never in front of the victims or the customer.

I admit finding the cause of a problem can prevent future problems. but in the midst of the flames or standing ankle deep in sewage it does no good to gripe about the idiot who caused the fire or who tried to flush something inappropriate.

Leaders need to take the pride of firefighters in their job. They need to work with the dillegence and strong stomach of plumbers.

If you lead, lead knowing that fire and filth go with the territory. and know that the results of your work are always worthwhile.

In Christ and on the Shepherd's Path,

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