Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year, New Home, New Ministry

Its new years eve 2007 and I am taking this opportunity to make my first entry into the Shepherd's Path Blog. The Shepherd's Path was the title of my column in the newsletter of the United Presbyterian Church in Phillipsburg Kansas. Later it came to be called "Essentials" and I retained the "Shepherd's Path" only as my exit line as you'll see at the end. The shepherd's path is the way I speak of the call of an individual to follow the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Jesus would say to someone who would be his disciple, "Follow Me." and they would follow. Or in one case, they would make excuses. That is the choice each of us makes; to follow or make excuses.
The Shepherd's path has led me to a new place to start 2008. In October my family moved to Oakdale Pennsylvania to start a new ministry with the Oakdale United Presbyterian Church. We did not wish to leave behind our home, friends, and great ministry in Phillipsburg Kansas. But in the end The Shepherd was leading and we could choose to move with him or make excuses. In His grace we have a house, and a healthy new daughter to make our home quite full and busy. The five of us share a calling together, to follow the Shepherd, and to feed His sheep wherever he leads. May God bless you in 2008 and lead you on His path.
In Christ and on the Shepherd's Path,

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