Acts 2:42-47
42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. 46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47 Exposition
42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
As I commented before in another place, these are some of the marks of a Spirit filled disciple of Jesus.
1.They were devoted to the apostles' teaching: There was no laziness or disinterest in hearing more about Jesus or the life they were called to live. The authority of the Apostles teaching is seen in the continuing influence they have in their presence, especially in the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Paul as these are found in the New Testament. Likewise the teaching of the apostles was important enough that much of what we accept as canonical scripture is substantiated, not only by many ancient copies, but in accurately quoted fragments in early church writings that have also been preserved. I would caution the reader to consider that the Apostles' verbal teachings were of a greater authority in the time of Acts than in times since, as the New Testament portion of Scripture had not been committed to a written record. That is to say no teaching claiming to have “Apostolic Authority” or anything like it, that is inconsistent with the written Word in Scripture should be regarded with any authority in those points where it departs from scripture. We have no other way of ensuring that a so called apostle or prophet's word is true today than by comparison with the written Word of Scripture. Thus we are cautioned against by teachings of the traditionally orthodox denominations, (that is to say Trinitarian and Christian) as well as teachings of those of cults outside of orthodoxy, which depart from the whole witness of Scripture. While we may differ on minute points of doctrine, we still remain united by our common faith in the Word of God as revealed in the Bible. So our devotion then today should be to God's word and to the seeking of good teaching and proclamation (preaching) of the Bible, for in it is found the knowledge we seek of God and of God's will for us.
2.They were devoted to Fellowship: They preferred one another's company to that of the world and strengthened, encouraged, and admonished one another by their company. That is not to say they were separated from the world, but that they intentionally sought the company of other Christ followers that they may grow in faith, love, and devotion to Jesus Christ. They enjoyed and took more pleasure in the company of each other than in the people and things, attitudes and priorities of the non-believing world.
They were devoted to the breaking of bread: Both to the celebration of the sacrament, I am sure, and to the sharing of the intimacy of the ordinary table with one another. They did not keep a polite distance but shared their homes and meals with one another and with the Apostles, honoring one another and sharing greater joy in each other's company. Communion existed with these believers, with Christ and with each other and it was most notable at the table. Think for yourself of the way a person might view one's association with a great celebrity. It is quite different to say I attended her concert, than to say I ate with her in her home. This was an extension of their fellowship and new community.
Finally they were devoted to prayer: They prayed I am sure with and for each other. This shows the growing communion with God and one another of this new community. One cannot claim a close relationship with a person with whom he never speaks. Likewise we are never growing closer to God when prayer is neglected. When prayer happens regularly and with enthusiasm, there is growing relationship with God. Likewise to bring another's concerns and joys to God in their presence or in their absence, draws you closer to them. That is why it is sometimes even dangerous for a man to pray alone with a woman not his wife or a woman with a man not her husband. Prayer with and for another draws people closer to each other. It is difficult to disregard or to lose care for a person for whom you pray.
In Summary, their faith in Jesus Christ and their filling with the Holy Spirit was marked by a growth in connection to God and each other. The Apostles' teaching, and Scripture for us, brings us closer to God and closer to one another through the repairing of our broken relation to one another. Obedience to God's Word turns us from sins which divide us to service which unites us. Fellowship brings us closer to God in the prioritizing of those He loves over the world. Fellowship draws us nearer to one another as we enjoy each other's company and intentionally pursue it. Breaking bread is communion with Christ at His Table through the Sacrament of His Body and Blood in Remembrance of Him, but also in the sharing of this Sacrament not alone but with the gathered church. Likewise breaking bread in the home through ordinary shared meals shows communion beyond polite association. Finally prayer unites us in conversation with God, and for and with one another.
43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.
Not to say that Christianity is marked by feelings alone. For there are times when we will not feel any awe or euphoric excitement, or even warmth and peace, in worship or in service. But there are times, especially in encountering the visible work of God that we cannot help but be awestruck. That was their situation. The apostles were doing many signs and wonders and it was truly amazing to see what God had begun to do in the world. Gone were the days of tired ritual or compulsory sacrifice. They were seeing the awesome power of the living God at work. God was no longer confined in a temple but active among them. This was the same awe that drew many to Jesus, now at work among the Spirit- filled Apostles.
44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common;
Their fellowship was so great as to cause them to desire to use all their possessions in the service of their new community. This was not a forced communism mandated by the Apostles as a cult leader would, or demanded by the state. This was a personal and joyful choice made by these believers to use all they had in such a way that no one had any need. The attitude is displayed again in Pauls instruction on giving when He tells the Church at Corinth to prepare their offering for the relief of the church gathered at Jerusalem. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NASU
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
This will become more important when we come to the account of Ananias ans Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. We begin to see a move of the Spirit which leads these believers to take so little stock in the things of this world that they give up the possession of property and begin to liquidate their resources to be used to alleviate the needs among them. The principle at this point is the focus they had, as they were filled by the Spirit, to share what they had and to see to it that no believer had need. There was no “I'll pray for you.” as is common when a need is expressed, but a sincere effort to use all at their disposal to ensure that there was no one left without the basic necessities of life. The following passage gives us more insight into how this was possible.
46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,
It is no coincidence that their sharing of goods even to the loss of individual possessions is described together with this repetition that they ate together. Today it is quite common for us to neglect to sacrificially give to another in need for fear that they may not actually be in need, might misuse the gift, or simply might be using our generosity to “rip off” decent well meaning Christians. However this may have been prevented in that they were not giving to strangers but the very people they ate and drank and spent their time with daily. There was no fear of theft from people that they should have known their character and situation so well from so much time spent together. When our churches are lacking in intimacy of fellowship and communion so that we barely know one another, then we are in the unfortunate position to fear the other person's motives and so we do not enjoy this kind of blessed community.
These folks however continued in unity of belief and faith and vision. They were as it says “with one mind” or “with one accord”. They gathered in the temple, a place where they certainly could worship, but also as it was not their temple but the temple of the Jews, it was a open forum where those who came for spiritual purposes could be encountered and engaged for sharing the gospel. Their gathering was not in a Christian ghetto away from those who they would win but in a place where they would meet and speak to people who did not yet know the good news. Our churches need find these places to gather with one another where we may meet and share our hope with those who may be seeking God but do not yet know Jesus Christ.
In addition to gathering at the temple, they continued to meet in each other's homes. The fact they still had homes may show that not all of their property was abandoned, but what was retained what what was necessary, with surplus being sold, and even what was kept being used as a resource for their community, that is they met in their homes. They did this not out of a sense of duty or with the kind of tired burdensome way of many church “programs” but with glad and sincere hearts. In Short, with enthusiasm.
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
These things were done as well both as worship and including the act of “praising God”, that is outward worship and adoration of The Lord. Again this indicates this was no mere human movement or brilliant program that created their society but that they ascribed such great things as they were experiencing to God. Likewise they enjoyed the favor of the people. Surely this has not always been true of the church: that she has had the favor of the world. But during such times as God permits and so moves people, the church finds herself in the position to influence many by her right example of Christian community. As such it is rightly said that it was “the Lord” who added to their numbers and not they themselves. However the evidence of the Lord's work is shown in the growing numbers, the fact that these growing numbers are not mere “hangers on” but those who also were being “saved”, and that the church did display the marks of Spirit Filled Christian community described before.
In Christ and on the Shepherd's Path,
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